(Registration Closed) Contact Mike for More Information.

2025 Winter EMT Course Syllabus

Instructor/Coordinator:  Mike LaBombard

Email:  mike@netsvt.com

Course Meeting Days and Times: Weekly Lecture with Assigned Course Work & Bi-Weekly Lab Sessions (every other Saturday)

Live Instructor Sessions:  Mondays, 17:30-20:30

Specified Clinical Skills Days – In Person 08:30-16:30 (See course list for exact dates).

  • The expected location for the skills sessions:

Colchester Fire Department, Colchester, VT

Course Online Learning:  JB Learning Portal – (https://www.jblearning.com/)

Cost: $1,250 (includes e-book only and online access)

Course Description 

The Emergency Medical Technician Hybrid course prepares the EMT student to provide pre-hospital assessment and care for patients of all ages with a variety of medical conditions and traumatic injuries. Areas of study include an introduction to emergency medical services systems, roles and responsibilities of EMTs, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, medical emergencies, traumatic injuries, special considerations for working in the prehospital setting, and providing patient transportation.  


Teaching/Learning Methods: 

Teaching-learning methods in this course may include, but are not limited to: assigned readings, group discussion, critical thinking exercises, labs, and class activities. Mandatory live instructor sessions will occur weekly.  Zoom will be used for all live online sessions. These meetings will be recorded as a make-up option for those unable to “attend” live online sessions. This option will be permitted on a limited basis at the discretion of the course coordinator.  Evaluation procedures include quizzes, written examinations, and assignments. 


Weekly Zoom Meeting:  

Join Zoom Meeting 


Meeting ID: 811 7449 4228 

Passcode: 471008 

One tap mobile 

+16465588656,,81174494228#,,,,*471008# US (New York)  

+16469313860,,81174494228#,,,,*471008# US 


Course Objectives: 

At the completion of this course the student shall be able to: 

  1. Describe the roles of EMS in the health care system. 
  2. Demonstrate the professional attributes expected of EMTs. 
  3. Perform the roles and responsibilities of an EMT with regards to personal safety and wellness, as well as the safety of others. 
  4. Perform the duties of an EMT with regard for medical-legal and ethical issues, including functioning under medical direction and within the scope of practice. 
  5. Apply principles of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, life span development, and therapeutic communications to the assessment and management of patients. 
  6. Identify the need for and perform immediately lifesaving interventions to manage a patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation. 
  7. Assess and manage patients of all ages with a variety of complaints, medical conditions, and traumatic injuries. 
  8. Apply principles of emergency medical services operations, including considerations in ambulance and air medical transportation, multiple-casualty incidents, gaining access to and extricating patients, hazardous materials incidents, and responding to situations involving weapons of mass destruction. 

Functional Job Requirements:  

All students must meet the functional job requirements of an Emergency Medical Technician as outlined in the Student Handbook distributed online by the Vermont Department of Health Office of EMS throughout the program. 

Course Textbook: 

AAOS Emergency Care and Transportation of The Sick and Injured, 12th Edition 

Other Learning Resources: 


Course Completion Requirements: 

Successful completion of this course requires adherence to course policies, completing all course assignments, maintaining a course average of 70% with a minimum score of 70% on the course final examination, and successfully demonstrating all required competencies. In addition, all students will be required to have a minimum of five documented patient contacts. 


Course Attendance Policy: 

Student participation is required for all scheduled live online sessions, as well as lab sessions. Students may be dropped from the course for excessive absences of any kind. Online class attendance will be based on weekly completion of assignments (including the online presentations). Excused absences may be granted by the course instructor/coordinator and/or TA (for group sessions) for extenuating circumstances. If more than two absences occur for any reason, the status of the student will be reviewed by the NETS faculty to determine a disposition. Course failure is likely under these circumstances. If a student misses any weekly activities, he or she is responsible for any missed quizzes, examinations, and material covered in that block. Prompt arrival is expected at all class activities, whether in-person or online. Like being on shift for your agency – lives depend on our prompt response and prompt attendance.                                                                                                                           


Behavioral Expectations: 

Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the professional expectations for EMT’s at all times. Students are reminded that they are representatives of Vermont EMS as well as the agencies they serve and this educational program. Professional conduct is essential to a successful course experience and rewarding EMS career. 


Dress and Appearance: 

  • Students shall be appropriately and neatly attired so as not to distract from the learning process. Students should wear comfortable slacks or pants, shirts or t-shirts, and boots, shoes or sneakers. 
  • For the safety of the student and others, students may not wear shorts, tank tops, half shirts, sleeveless shirts, halter-tops, tube tops, skirts, open toe/heel shoes or sandals. 
  • Students should dress with safety in mind, as training sessions will require the use of various equipment and training aides.
  • Staff members accept the responsibility for reasonable interpretation of this policy and advising of the student in its regard. 
  • Students arriving wearing inappropriate attire may not be able to participate in the training evolutions, for the safety of the student.  

*On days of practical labs the students will wear clothing similar to what they will wear while on duty with their service. This provides the students the ability to train like they will practice. 


Academic Dishonesty: 

Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program and other administrative action. Examples include, but are not limited to: 

  • Cheating in any form 
  • Falsification or forgery of academic documents, applications, clinical evaluations, lab evaluations, etc. 
  • Plagiarism (including copying and pasting of electronic text into assigned work) 


Course Deposit and Refund Policy: 

Students are required to provide a minimum deposit of $375.00 to secure a seat in the course. Full payment is preferred, but payment plans may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Full refunds for the class will be granted, less the deposit which will be used to cover non-refundable course materials, if the student drops from the course within the first (2) weeks. No refunds will be granted after the first (2) weeks have passed.   Course registration and payment can be done through the NETS website, www.netsvt.com 


Course Grading and Grading Scale 

All class exams will be done through EMStesting.com.   Each student will receive an account as part of the class. Although passing is 70%, it is strongly encouraged that students strive for an 80% on all exams.  This will encourage your study for successful passing of the CAT (Computer Adaptive Test). 


Extra Assignments     10 %  

3 Exams                        10 % each  

Skills                              30% 

Final Written Exam    30 % 

Total                                100 percent 


Retest and Late Exam/Assignment Policy: 

Students with a non-passing grade on an exam will be allowed (1) retest opportunity per exam. The retest must occur within (1) week of the closing date of the posted exam. (10) points will automatically be deducted from whatever score is obtained on the retest and the resulting score will be the recorded exam score in the gradebook. Students who miss an exam, without a valid excuse, will be given a zero and must then follow the policy for a non-passing exam score. As for a late assignment, (10) points will be deducted for each day that the assignment is late.  

Percent Letter Grade
100 A
95-99 A-
90-94 B
85-89 B-
80-84 C
76-79 C-
70-75 D
Below 70 F

Students will be required to complete the following online training programs:  

NIMS 100 https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-100.c 

NIMS 700         https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-700.b 

Haz-Mat Awarenesshttps://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=is-5.a 

DCF Mandated Reporter: https://dcf.vermont.gov/news/training-mandated-reporters 

Course Schedule: Finalized Dates will be Published Soon (Dates highlighted in green are Saturday sessions)

Course Schedule (Dates highlighted in green are Saturday sessions) 




Tests, Quizzes, Lab Day Info 

Week 1
1/6 – 1/12

Course Introduction and Overview 

 Chapter 1 

EMS Systems 

 Chapter 2 

Workforce Safety and Wellness 

 Chapter 3 

Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues 

 Chapter 4 

Communication and Documentation 







Week 2 

1/13 – 1/19  

Chapter 8 

Lifting and Moving Patients 

 Chapter 9  

Patient Assessment 

 Chapter 10 

Airway Management 

Lab: Skill Competencies  

LAB: 1/18  

Week 3 

1/20 – 1/26  

Chapter 5 

Medical Terminology 

Chapter 6 

The Human Body 

Chapter 7 

Life Span Development 

Chapter 13 

BLS Resuscitation 








Week 4 

1/27 – 2/2  

Chapter 11 

Principles of Pharmacology 

Chapter 12 


Lab: Skill Competencies 

Exam 1 

LAB: 2/1 

Week 5 

2/3 – 2/9  

Chapter 14 

Medical Overview  

 Chapter 15 

Respiratory Emergencies 

 Chapter 16 

Cardiovascular Emergencies 

Week 6 

2/10 – 2/16  

Chapter 17 

Neurologic Emergencies 

Chapter 18 

GI/GU Emergencies 

Chapter 19 

Endocrine and Hematologic Emergencies 

Chapter 20 

Immunologic Emergencies 

Lab: Skill Competencies 

LAB: 2/15  
Week 7 

2/17 – 2/23 

Chapter 24 

Trauma Overview 

Chapter 25 


Chapter 26 

Soft-Tissue Injuries 

Chapter 28 

Head and Spine Injuries 

Exam 2  


Week 8 

2/24 – 3/2  

Chapter 21 


Chapter 22 

Psychiatric emergencies 

Chapter 23 

Gynecologic emergencies 

Lab: Skill Competencies  

LAB: 3/1 

Week 9 

3/3 – 3/9  

Chapter 27 

Face and Neck Injuries 

Chapter 29 

Chest Injuries 

Chapter 30 

Abdominal / GU Injuries 

Chapter 31 

Orthopedic Injuries 




Week 10 

3/10 – 3/16  

Chapter 32 

Environmental Emergencies 

 Chapter 36 

Patients with Special Challenges 

 Chapter 35 

Geriatric Emergencies 

 Lab: Skill Competencies  


LAB: 3/15 


Week 11 

3/17- 3/23  

Chapter 33 

OBGYN / Neonatal Care 

Exam 3  

Week 12 

3/24 – 3/30  

Chapter 34 

Pediatric Emergencies 

Lab: Skill Competencies  

LAB: 3/29  

Week 13 

3/31 – 4/6 

Chapter 37 

Transport Ops 

Chapter 38 

Vehicle Extrication & Special Rescue 

Chapter 39 

Incident Management 

Chapter 40 

Terrorism Response / Disaster Management 

Chapter 41 

Team approach to healthcare 




Week 14 

4/7 – 4/13   


Lab: Scenario Competencies 

LAB: 4/12 

Week 15 

 4/14 – 4/20  



Week 16 

4/21 – 4/27  

Final Review 

Lab: Scenario Competencies 

Final Exam  

LAB: 4/26